Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Memories ..

By definition memory is the power of retaining and recalling past experience. Whether it is a bad memory or a good one, if it was a significant event, it makes it difficult to forget. Sometimes recalling a good memory can put me in a better mood, if I wasn’t feeling good about something. People write memoirs in order to share a very important event that happened to them or a few significant events. A memoir is written from a first person point of view and captures meaningful and important memories of a person’s life.
They usually remember very small significant details about the event to make it more meaningful. It is usually written in a higher emotional level since the series of events is so important to the person. Even though most of the memoir is true, some details are fictional because it would be impossible for a person to remember every single detail of an event and may not recall exactly how he was feeling and exaggerate a bit. An autobiography is when a person writes about every little fact of his life as a whole and it is not as detailed as a memoir. An autobiography is usually longer then a memoir and contains a lot of information about the person’s life.

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