Monday, November 26, 2007

What not to wear

Don’t make the same mistakes this winter that you made last year. Leg warmers are made in a variety of colors , from basic black and white , to orange , red blue and every color imaginable. The only real purpose they serve is keeping our ankles warm, but does it serve any other purpose? I guess you could say it adds texture and color to a basic outfit, but can u really wear them without looking like you’re trying to bring back the 80’s? If you absolutely must wear them, wear them over leggings or skinny jeans with flats. Don’t wear bells on any clothing, put down the Christmas themed red and green outfits, stop knitting everyone in the family sweaters with Santas and reindeer. Actually you can knit a sweater for anyone under 5. My last tip is to stop wearing a Santa hat to celebrate the holidays, leave that to Santa.

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